Heimish All Clean Balm

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The Heimish All Clean Balm is a solid cleanser that melts as you massage it into your skin and emulsifies as you add water.  It is made with soothing ingredients such as coconut extract, rose extract, and tea tree oil.  It is one of my favorite products to use as the first step in double cleansing.  


Why should you double cleanse your skin?  It is so important to remove all of the makeup and dirt at the end of a long day to prevent clogged pores and breakouts.  Clean skin is better able to absorb serums - if you are going to spend money on skin care products, we want them to work their best!  

I know it has been awhile, but thinking back to chemistry class - like dissolves like.  Oil-based cleansers are able to pick up and dissolve the oils that have built up on our skin, as well as any oil-based makeup we may have applied.  Water and oil do not mix.  Thus, water based cleansers alone will not be nearly as effective in removing the oil buildup on our skin as an oil based cleanser.  After you use an oil-based cleanser, you can then remove the leftover dirt and residue using a water based cleanser, which will also be more effective now that the oils have been removed.  This is the basic background behind double cleansing.  


For the first step of double cleansing, you can also use oils, however I tend to prefer balms as they are easier to scoop out and less messy to handle than the oils that often end up dripping down my hands and arms.  I have tried several balms and have found the Heimish All Clean Balm to be one of the best.  Most importantly, it does not irritate or burn my eyes when I use it and it even removes waterproof eyeliner and mascara, which I wear on a nearly daily basis.  

The Clinique Take-The-Day-Off Cleansing Balm was very effective however caused a burning sensation of my eyes.  My makeup would be completely removed however my eyes would be irritated for about 10 minutes after each use.  Also on Amazon, the Heimish All Clean Balm is around $18 for 120ml, in comparison to $29.50 for 125ml of the Clinique Cleansing Balm.  

Let me know what your favorite cleansing balm is!  


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